police officer

any policeman or policewoman; patrolman or patrolwoman.
a person having officer rank on a police force.
Examples from the web for police officer
  • The bodies attract the notice of a police officer, who enters the house.
  • The police officer stepped into the traffic, blocking our car.
  • Imagine that you are a police officer in a tough neighborhood where the criminals are heavily armed.
  • Here, you can't even trust a police officer not to lie to your face.
  • All was well and good until the police officer posted at the entrance to the bus depot was called to an emergency.
  • The police officer, after a brief attempt at a stern manner, relented.
  • The initial website link in essence are measures to adopt to really turn into a police officer.
  • We have disabled your ignition and summoned a police officer.
  • Now imagine this same environment, but you are a police officer.
  • If a police officer commits a crime, he/she is jailed by other policemen.
British Dictionary definitions for police officer

police officer

a member of a police force, esp a constable; policeman Often (esp as form of address) shortened to officer